My Little Landen

My Little Landen
This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Always playing catch up (Summer 2012)

Wow am I really that far behind? Every month I think I'll just do a quick catch up and then I can start posting regularly again but as each month flies quickly by I get farther behind and the task of catching up on my blog seems to be more and more work. I'm so far behind but I guess if I put it off any longer I will never actually catch up will I? So here it is the last six months in one blog.

Summer was fun we did a lot and we kept very busy... We has so much going on considering we were down to almost no therapy. We took the summer off of most everything but PT and OT once a week which we frequently missed. Here are some photo collages of our summer fun!

Having fun in the sun!
Scott and I hiked the Grand Canyon with my brother Andrew and his friend. It was so much work but so worth it!
Brayden spending time with mommy at the free summer movies...
Puppet making was fun..
Its way too hot to be outside much during the summer but we had lots of fun inside at home too!
We went camping with my family.
While we were camping Scotty was hiking again with my brother.

As always August is a big month for us with our GFPD Conference and Landen's Birthday. Both are amzing things for our family! 

First the GFPD Family Support Conference! I could devote so much time telling you all how amazing this is for us. It was AMAZING and it means so much to us to be able to go. I can't even begin without first thanking everyone for your support and help getting us there! We had support from family and friends and the community here in Bullhead

The conference gives us opportunities to learn more about Landen's disease and how we can help him. It also gives us time to meet with other families and do some healing. It was such an amazing amazing experience for us!

The conference was in Floriday and we had the opportunity to participate in a compassionate partners program getting tickets to spend a few days in Disney World! How amazing was that? We would never be able to take our family there with the cost of everything but this wonderful program gave us a wonderful family experience. 


Little Landen's Birthday! This day always has such meaning for us. We had no idea how many birthdays Landen will have so each one is so special to us. Landen is an incredible boy who has made so many great accomplishments in the last six months. He is feeding himself a larger verity of foods and textures. He is walking for longer periods of time with his walker. He is showing that he has such a strong independent spirit. He knows what he wants and he tries so hard to do things for himself... He loves to walk but as soon as you try to direct him or even give his walker a nudge in a different direction he will just sit down right there no matter if its in the house or the parking lot. He wants to go his own way and have his own independence. I love my son so much he is the most incredible person I have ever known. His smile and laugh is contagious... I love making him laugh and watching him squirm when I tickle him. I love when he grabs my sunglasses off my face and laughs as he throws them so I have to chase them (I have broken several pairs that way). I love that he is the center of our house we do as much as we can just to make him happy. Even our Brayden is always trying to make his big brother happy! I LOVE LANDEN!

And that my friends was our summer :D 

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