We are trying to raise money so that we can attend the 2012 GFPD Family Support Conference in Florida. This is a chance for us to meet with other family's as well as attend sessions on medical care and therapy. Its not always easy when you have a child with a disease this rare. I'm the closest person to an expert that sees Landen. Most of Landen's doctors had no idea what this disease was until meeting Landen. Don't get me wrong Landen sees some amazing doctors who are willing to do the research and help Landen but the truth is Landen is their only patient with a PBD. It often falls on me to instruct them on Landen and PBDs, and all though I'm an expert on Landen I'm not much of an expert in PBDs. The GFPD group is my lifeline. When it comes to something new to Landen I always post about it and then go to see his primary care doctor. So you can see why this conference is so very important to our family.
Yesterday was our fist fundraiser. We have been working so hard to get everything together for this bake sale. Scott was terrified the night before it was all going to fall apart. He kept asking me if I was sure that there was going to be enough food. We asked people in our ward and people who work with Landen for baked goods but we also posted and asked for donations from the community. We got an AMAZING response. There were so many cookies and breads and any other baked good you can think of. We decided to have our sale at Sams Club we heard it was a good location. We tried to sign up for Easter weekend but the only date they could give us was the 28th but it turned out that it was the weekend of the River Run in Laughlin. For those of you who don't know that is a big biker weekend here. Sams Club is right across from the Laughlin casinos so it was a well trafficked spot. We thought we would have a lot of bikers (Sams Club is one of the cheapest places to get gas in town) and we had a few but most of our donators were just people from the community visiting Sams Club. We had another stroke of luck that it happened to be an event weekend at Sams with demos and things going on inside. I felt that it was important that Landen be there as much as he could stand so we started out that morning with both Landen and Brayden there. It was soon obvious that it was too much fun for Brayden and we couldn't keep up with him and try and sale baked goods at the same time so we sent him to a friends house to have fun. I do regret not taking a picture of him and Landen together in their GFPD t-shirts. It seems like every thing was in our favor including the weather it had stormed a few days before so the temperature was nice and low and there was a nice breeze perfect Landen weather. He made it through the whole day he had fun walking and making new friends and even took a nap in daddy's arms. There were a few people who just amazed us! They loved meeting Landen and hearing his story. It was such a great event and we had so much support I couldn't believe it! Thank you to all who helped us in any way and for everyone who made a donation. We did so well we were able to raise just over $800.00! Which is AMAZING! Although we are still hoping to do well in our other two fundraisers. Anything that isn't used for our family will be donated to help other families attend. Our next one is a week from today we will be going to California to do a 5K charity walk with some other PBD families. We are still taking donations for that at this link
LittleLanden'sTeam. And we have a Buffalo Wild Wings fundraiser coming up on May 21st . Anyone who eats there at ANYTIME during that day can bring in one of our fundraising tickets and we receive %15 of your bill. You can get tickets from me or Scott or any of Landen's therapy friends. I can even email you the tickets to print yourself. Get tickets for you and your friends... or get your friends together for lunch!
Yummy Treats |
Our Name Tags |
Landen and Karen
(Landen Hearing Instructor) |
Landen Having Fun Walking |
Landen and Katie
(Landen's Preschool Instructor) |
Landen and Daddy! |
Landen and Mommy |
Just relaxing |
Nap Time |
Brayden all ready to go |
Once again just a huge THANK YOU!! to everyone who is supporting us, to those who baked for us, to those who donated at the bakesale, to those who have donated to our walk and to those who can't donate money but are keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
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