My Little Landen

My Little Landen
This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day at the park a much needed break

So I feel like I'm about to loose it to the stress! I'm knee deep in fundraising stuff combined with the hours of therapy and one doctor appointment after another and trip after trip to Flagstaff... and when I'm not in the doctors office or the car I'm at home just trying to keep it all together. Granted I know that there are those of you reading this who feel like I'm just complaining but I'm so close to burn out. I needed a break I needed to get out of the house! So on this beautiful cloudy day I decided to take the boys to the park. Between naps, meals, therapy appointments and the fact its shopping day I could only squeeze in a short 30 minute trip. But on the way there I just was DONE my head hurt and I was tired! I wasn't going home and I wasn't going to the store I was going to sit in the grass with my boys. I was going to enjoy some time doing nothing more then have fun with my boys. So I stopped and grabbed some lunch and we went to the park. 

We ended up staying for over three hours. The boys got to swing, Brayden got to run, Landen got to walk and all I had to be was mom. It was even nice to be the only people at the park. For once I can get out Landen's walker and watch him play and explore without other kids there reminding me what Landen could have right now. Or them following him around asking why does he have that walker and why doesn't he talk to them. Not that kids aren't wonderful but they aren't always the most tactful. So was nice until Landen decided he didn't like anything but to sit in my arms. Don't get me wrong I love snuggling my Little Landen but I had to focus all of my attention on Landen leaving Brayden to play all by himself. It hit me hard... poor Brayden. It suddenly made me realize why I have such an independent little boy. Brayden is so often left to entertain himself while I'm taking care of Landen. I feel so bad for him I want so badly to be able to chase him around the park and sit and read with him all the time but its just not always that way poor Brayden doesn't get as much mommy as he deserves. I guess that's why Heavenly Father made him so darn freaken CUTE! He's always able to get attention when he needs it. The day got better after a quick 20 minute snuggle nap in my arms Landen was up and ready to go! So glad I decided to stay I really think both my boys enjoyed the day too!

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