My Little Landen

My Little Landen
This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Long overdue update...

Well its been forever since my last update. We have been really busy this month. I feel bad not writing... this blog for me is more then just letting you all know what is going on in Landen's life but its a journal of our family and his story. I've never been too good at writing things down and keeping journals but I have tried really hard. I like looking back and having something solid written to remind me now and always that here is my Landen and this is his life. So I promise to do better. Minus the last month I think I've actually done very well. So here is what has happened in the last month and a half...

Since our last update Landen has started with his new therapists. Being three now he is receiving preschool services in home. Its been fun getting to know that new people who will be helping with Landen. Its been several weeks and they are getting to know Landen (and Brayden who gets involved in everything). There are still a few people who we have yet to start with but hope to soon. I'm really loving having therapy in my home. The people who come in are so amazing and working hard they are even good at keeping Brayden distracted or letting him be involved. Landen is getting really good with his walker. The outpatient PT that we see once a week found a family who was no longer using a walker that happened to be Landen size and they let us use it for a few weeks while waiting for his to come. We go on walks outside anytime it is cool enough and Landen loves it. Just last Wednesday Landen got his very own walker!!! We are even taking it to church to let him use it there I'm hoping to get him use to using it outside of the home. We get lots of love and support in our ward and Landen is using it at least to walk to nursery from the chapel.

Brayden has gotten really good at hiding things and weeks ago took off with Landen's hearing aids. After four weeks of searching and finding nothing I called the audiologist and found out that he had replacement warranty on them until the first week of November so we ordered a new pair. Brayden has also taken off with my cell phone several times luckily I can call it to find it. Cleaning the house always becomes an adventure to see just where Brayden has horded his toys today. We did have a nice little miracle when I found his old hearing aids when I put them up I remember that the left one was broken but somehow when I pulled them out for him to use while waiting for the other pair they both worked again. We already got the replacement pair and new molds should be arriving in the mail any day now.

Both the boys are growing good! Landen has gained his two pounds back that he lost while sick keeping him just ahead of his brother in weight. But of course Brayden takes after his mommy and is still four inches shorter then Landen. Landen always impresses me with how hard he works. His walking is amazing! Brayden is growing as well and is also starting to pick up some words he says "hi" "bye" "uh-oh" and "thank you". He is so full of personality and is always singing. I've never seen a kid who likes to sing as much as Brayden does. Both of the boys are getting along better finally although Brayden is so helpful with Landen that it bothers him sometimes. He will try to push him in his walker if we are going to slow, he is always finding toys for Landen and he even tries to feed Landen often while he is asleep on the couch.

Scott is working hard as usual poor guy he never seems to get a break... and I'm... tired as always. I've been working extra hard the last two weeks trying to complete Halloween costumes for the boys and I am so close to being done. I should be able to finish in the morning. We will be trunk-or-treating Friday with Scotty and then me and the kids will be leaving for a long trip to Utah. We will celebrate Halloween with my family and then enjoy the time that my brother John will be home before leaving for Germany. Scott will fly in one weekend and we will all celebrate Thanksgiving together it will be early but our family will be together and that is what counts. I will try and update while I'm gone.

Its been a hard month for our PBD family. Many of our kids are not doing well and just this last weekend we lost two precious babies Angel Chase and Angel Ilan. It hits me hard not just every time one of our children leaves us but even when they are not doing well. I have grown to love the PBD family they are a great blessing in our lives. I feel pride when I hear of their achievements and progress and I cry for them when they are doing poorly. Its a bond hard to explain... we are a group of people who if it were not for this terrible disease that our children have in common we would have no connection. But because of our children we are very much connected to each other like one close family. To all my PBD family I love you and am always thinking of you!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Pictures of Landen and Brayden
Taken August 2st
At GFPB Conference
( )

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So here is what's going on...

So Landen started feeling a little low while we were winding up our trip to Utah. I noticed that he was acting uncomfortable and didn't want to move much but I was hoping that he was just worn out after being away from home for two and a half weeks. We flew home on Friday by then I was noticing he was going through fits of pain. It would come and go and he was very lethargic in between. I have been stressed out and worried for him all weekend but I knew he already had his three year wellcheck scheduled for Tuesday (yesterday) so I was holding out. Monday night he seemed to be okay and Tuesday morning he was just fine so I just left for the doctor prepared to discuss it but was no longer really concerned. Due to the alinement of the planets or something everything went wrong at the doctors office. The other doctor who see patients at his office was out leaving our doctor already backed up when as soon as I got into a room (and hour and fifteen minutes after my appointment) the computers went down! We always wait to see Doctor Barton he spends so much time with each patient that we always end up waiting but this was a record. We feel like this doctor is worth the wait because he does such a good job helping coordinate everything for Landen. Anyway back to the waiting room... Landen had one of his pain episodes in the waiting room and he didn't let up. By the time we got him back the whole staff knew that there was obviously something wrong. We had everyone in from nurses to receptionist trying to comfort him. The nurse gave him some Motrin and he was finally able to fall asleep for a few minutes but woke up screaming again. He was curled up in a little ball looking so sad... We hardly got to discuss anything else cuz it was obvious that Landen was in pain. So the doctor ordered some xrays and blood work to see if there was something obvious we could see causing it. We did that yesterday but I just got to talk to the doctor about an hour ago. There is a stomach virus going around that has landed some kids in the hospital already. It causes sever stomach cramps and gas. Landen's xrays are full of gas so he is pretty sure Landen has it. That plus the fact that my family was all sick when we were in Utah makes me believe he is right. He says as long as he doesn't get any worse and he is drinking lots of fluid we can just keep him home and try to make him feel comfortable while his body fights it off. This is a relief in a way a stomach virus is something I can deal with and take care of. So as of this moment though there is still much to do I feel my stress levels slowly descending... not back to normal but not nearly as high. As for the rest of the well check it mostly happened over the phone tonight. Except the height and weight. Landen is still 33inches like he was in January so he hasn't gotten much taller but he has lost weight. When he was seen at the CRS clinic a few months ago he was almost 24lbs but he is now only 22lbs 13oz which doesn't seem like a huge weight loss until you look at it in ratio to his weight. A little worrisome but he has been sick after all. So now its just waiting and caring for Landen till he gets better. Its hard as a mommy to watch him go through it and not be able to do anything about it. So for the next little while if I'm tired, stinky, irritable or just plain grouchy please forgive me I'm a busy mom!

Our Long Trip

What a month its been first with our trip to Omaha and then this last trip we have hardly even been home at all. I'm a lucky mommy to have two boys who travel so well. We started this last trip by leaving on the 12th to meet my parents at a condo they rented at Bison Ranch. Bison Ranch is in Overgaared Az about a 5 hour trip for us. I was so excited to see them! My parents haven't seen them since my brother Mike's wedding in April. So much has happened since then with the boys. Well at lest Brayden who continues to amaze me with his extra energy and his intelligence. Its so strange having Brayden after Landen. 22 months younger then Landen but so growing so much faster. Brayden at 16 months has already passed his brother in every point but size... which won't be long. Sometimes I think Brayden must be so advanced only to realize he is actually pretty normal. Anyway back to the trip... Scott was able to come up with us for the first few days which was nice. It was so fun to see my Dad interact with the boys. Brayden was terrified at first but as soon as my Dad chased him down the hall once they were best friends. I wanted to celebrate Landen's birthday with my parents as well since his birthday was earlier that week so I made a cake for him unfortunately I took a shortcut and bought frosting and thinking it would harden in the freezer like mine does. It didn't... it melted too fast and the cake fell apart before we even got to the condo. We were able to visit both Petrified Forest and Panted Desert (they are across the street from each other) with Scott before he had to leave. It was beautiful and there was much to see. I tried to convince him that he had a fever and couldn't go back to work but he didn't believe me. Scott works so hard to provide for our family and I'm so glad I have him. We spent the rest of the week just hanging out at the condo and going swimming with the boys. Brayden proved many times that he has no fear while swimming. He tried to jump into the pool alone many times. He also figured out how to open the front door and run away.

We left after our week for the trip home it was a fun adventure we stopped at the four corners monument and Mesa Verde. By the time we got to Mesa Verde it was too late to go into any of the ruins or visitor centers but we still got to see a lot of neat things. Next time we will have to get there early and spend a few days. Scott has been telling me he wanted to go to Mesa Verde for awhile but I didn't realize there was so much to see. We were in the car from 9:00 AM Thursday to 6:30 AM the next morning. What an adventure.

The next week I spent with family and friends. We had a fun day at Hogle Zoo with the family celebrating my niece Rebecca's Birthday. Brayden as always was such a ball of energy. He had plenty of people to play with him. He had fun watching the animals in too. It was fun to follow his gaze as his little eyes followed the animals around in their cadges. We even were able to take a picture of almost all of my parents grandchildren... Everyone but Hailey and Alex. Then we had birthday cake and presents. We got to see many of our friends that live in the area.

One of my favorite experiences was being able to attend the Logan Temple with my roommates. Its been so long since I have been able to go. I went once right after Landen was born but haven't really been back since. Its been hard for me with everything that is going on in my life to not only find time but to find motivation to go. Its no secret that the last year of my life has been a struggle and this last month has been extra hard. (the 20th of August is the year mark for Landen's diagnosis) But I have also been so blessed with new family and friends through the GFPD. I have needed to go to the temple for some time now but I have not really felt ready but I knew for sure it was time and this was a great opportunity. I will not share much of what I was able to feel and learn there mostly because I'm not sure it can be put into words but I will share this one sentiment. I am more sure then I have been in my whole life the families are eternal no matter what may happen to us in this life families are forever!

Landen started to feel a little low towards the end of the trip. I don't know if it is due to some bug or exhaustion. I came home last Saturday on a way too early plane and was so wiped out from the trip that I slept all day. Now that we are home Landen has not gotten much better and in fact has grown a little worse. I do not want to get into the whole story right at this moment there is still too much going on but I will blog tomorrow. Just remember Landen in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you all posted.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Landen's Birthday Present

I couldn't help but post a few pictures of Landen's birthday present. We wanted to get him a ball pit of his very own since he never seems to want to leave the one at therapy but we couldn't find one in town. This was originally my idea for Brayden's birthday but Scott thought it sounded too messy and too big for our house. It wasn't until Scott saw how much Landen loved the little one that they had in the play room in Omaha that he agreed to let me get Landen on for his birthday. Unfortunately even though they had them in almost every store in April for some reason no one has them now so we had to order the balls online. They just came in the mail today. I just got a little swimming pool at the Kmart summer clearance sale to put them it. Its just perfect for Landen and maybe a little cozy when Brayden gets in too but they need to learn to get along eventually anyway.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Sweet Little Landen

Its Landen's birthday today! This has been a day full of emotion for me. Not only is my little guy three years old today which is enough to make any mothers heart fill with emotion but this is Landen's first birthday since his diagnosis... since we learned that he only has a small number of birthdays. Not that that is what I've been dwelling on but its hard not to think of especially when I think about the joy we had celebrating last year only to find out less then two weeks later that Landen had this awful disease. I've been crying all day tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of frustration.

My sweet little boy is three! And that is what is important today! I woke up and started singing to him. Made him his favorite food PANCAKES for breakfast. Snuggled him close and sang happy birthday songs to him till he fell asleep at nap time. Played and snuggled some more.. just tried to be close to him. We celebrated yesterday with the cake and presents it seemed like a better day since this is also the first day of school around here and Grandpa Sinex being a school teacher was I'm sure busy today. I put extra care into his cake making it special just like him. I wish so bad I could throw a HUGE party with all of our friends and family. Lots of cake, food, fun and friends. Let everyone gather around and celebrate the fact that we have him here with us which is special! But since we live so far away from most of our family we have to settle for a small event. It really is frustrating I feel like we should all be celebrating with him we have this little gift with us for we don't know how long. He is such a blessing for all of us here on earth and I want to share him with everyone that I love. I want them to love him just as much. To hold him and get to know him and make the memories that will remain even after the Lord takes him from earth. I'm just hoping that you all are keeping him close to your hearts and thoughts today even though you are not here with us. We will be having more cake and presents next weekend when we meet my parents at Bison Ranch for a little vacation. He got a fun little ball that lights up wiggles and makes noise he loves it very much! Got some much needed clothes and mommy and daddy will be giving him his very own ball pit for his bedroom next weekend.

This last year has been a roller coaster but I have seen so much growth in him. Although the numbers would say that he has only gained 2.5lbs and a couple of inches and he wore the same birthday boy shirt I made for his first birthday. But I see growth... you can see it in his face and features he doesn't look as "baby" as he did before. He is starting to communicate more not with words or sign but in other ways. He is playing more and learning to do new things getting so much personality. My little boy gives me so much to be proud of!! He is so friendly he loves to laugh and is learning to express feelings. He has picked up several ways to say "I love you" or "I'm happy" just recently he has started giving the biggest hugs and licks! I love it when he grabs my face and puts our foreheads together and laughs that means just as much as if he were to say "mommy I love you". Still a snuggle bug. From the moment he was born his favorite place to rest is in Daddy and Mommy's arms followed close by anyone else who will take the time to snuggle. I love watching him give love and snuggles to others. Its like he is putting a little bit of himself in their hearts. He has the best laugh and the brightest smile. Heavenly voices cannot compare to the sound of my Landen's laugh. I love to make him laugh I tickle his face with my hair or blow raspberries on his tummy. He has ticklish feet which will make him smile but for a real laugh kiss his bare feet! I love the fact that even if he is in a bad mood a small kiss on the cheek from Mommy will bring a smile to his face. His eyes are so expressive! Happy, sad, grumpy, tired, silly... they are all there in his eyes. I could go on and on forever about my Little Landen... he is my world! I love him and Brayden so much! Thank you Heavenly Father for intrusting me with such sweet angels.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

2011 GFPD Family & Scientific Conference

I'm sorry this has taken me so long to post about the conference its been almost a week since the conference... I've sat down at this computer several times in the last week to write and found that words didn't come. There are so many thoughts and feelings that I just cannot seem to put into words. It was such a wonderful experience. Maybe this will help this is the opening video from the conference. These are face of the amazing children who like my Little Landen suffer from this disorder.

What an amazing opportunity this was for us! Look at those beautiful faces! They are the reason for this whole experience. I'm having a hard time putting into words what this experience was for us. It was more then just fun, it was more then just informative, it was so much more... Sometimes its hard not to feel alone in this struggle... I have my husband, family and friends who support and love me but still its me here every day dealing with this awful disease. But to share a few days with others who like me have amazing children with this awful disease it was very special. The GFPD is a wonderful organization (please visit Less then a year old they were able to put this event together with the help of some wonderful people.

We left Arizona at 6:30 Saturday morning to head to the Las Vegas airport. Literally from the moment we walked into the hotel we were surrounded by family... Our PBD family. The Burdick's who we already know from Flagstaff were there as well it was so nice to see them and share this experience with them too. We meet up with many family's that night at dinner it was hugs and joy right from the beginning. I have to admit that I felt lost for a moment to finally see these people whom I've been talking to online for so long. Most of the time I recognized their children's faces but not theirs. I felt like we should all be wearing our profile pictures so that we would be able to identity one another. It was a shared experience for all of us there was no uneasiness that usually accompanies when a large group of unknowns get together for the first time. We were already family brought together by our shared experience and our children.

Sunday morning Scott and I took the kids to the Omaha Zoo it was fun it was a big zoo with lots of animals. We spent the time looking at animals and riding some rides. We let Brayden get out of the stroller and just run! That boy has so much energy!! He was so cute running all over only pausing to watch and laugh when he saw movement in a cadge. He was so funny so interested in everything. We meet up with our friends and saw some more of the zoo. The conference started that afternoon so we headed back to the hotel.

We learned so much at the conference tons of useful information. We were able to ask questions and get answers from people who actually know what they are dealing with. We learned more about this disease, what should be doing and looking for, nutrition, working with hearing and vision loss, research going on and the science behind everything (most of which was WAY over my head). But I have to say my favorite part was watching Little Landen interacting with every one. Both Brayden and Landen made so many friends! They are both so friendly and everyone was so excited to spend time with them. I think that the boys made more friends then we did.

One of the most touching part of the conference was the tribute they did for all the children who have passed on. There were tributes shared candles lit in memory and this beautiful tribute video.

Tears freely flow every time I watch ether of these videos these children are so beautiful and their families are so amazing. My heart is so full of the people we met there and of course the story that we all share. These children are so amazing so similar in so many ways yet so very unique. To all my PBD family... You are so amazing! I love you and wish that we could all be together more often. Thank you for the experience we look forward to next year. There is so many of you that I wish I had spent time with talking, sharing and getting to know you all much better. I feel like there just wasn't enough time. There are so many of you that I didn't get to say more then a few words to but you still mean so much to me. I follow what I can online and love talking and sharing. You inspire me and bless my life. Thank you for showing so much love to my boys and my family! Next year seems so far away for me.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Another Loss in Our PBD Family

So sorry to hear of another loss last night. A family who I have not even had time to get to know lost their little Lily Grace. She now rests in heaven with Heavenly Father and all our other PBD angles. They have only been a part of our PBD family for a short time. Miss Lily was less then 3 months old. It breaks my heart to know of another family who are left behind as their little angle is gone on ahead without them. I would like to take this moment to send love and prayers to her family and to all the other mothers who are left behind to miss their children.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Landen's Ears, Therapy and Doctors

So it wasn't an eventful week though it feels like it was. I forgot how much work therapy and doctors could be. First off back to therapy! Landen went back to his first OT in a month last week it went really well. Sarah the OT did an evaluation/update on Landen's goals. After doing her evaluation she informed me that she is noticing a great improvement in his core strength and a slight improvement in his arms and legs. I give the credit for the core improvement to the therapy ball. Landen spends hours up on that ball just bouncing and bouncing. He would go forever if Mommy or Daddy didn't tire out! He is learning the walker really well also. I love going to Kingman there are so many things that they can do for him in that gym that we just couldn't do at home! And they are making improvements they now have a permanent place for the ball pit meaning Landen can have OT in the ball pit every week if he wants to. Both the boys went and it was so fun I couldn't help but snap a few cute pictures of the boys playing in the pit.

Tuesday we went to Flagstaff to see if there was any improvement in Landen's ears. The mineral oil treatments did the job in the left ear but not the right. The audiologist tried again to get the wax out herself but his ear canals are just too small for her instruments. He was scheduled to see the CRS (Children's Rehabilitative Services) pediatrician and PT so that we could move forward on getting Landen a walker of his very own. Dr Austin is a wonderful pediatrician who has been practicing for what must be forever and he was able to remove the ear wax. He was really good at it too he was able to immobilize Landen without working him into a complete panic and remove the wax all by himself. It was gross to see a pea size glob of dry wax come out of those little ears. But with the wax removed we were able to make new molds for Landen these ones will be green and yellow!

The PT was a wonderful guy as well he is one I haven't seen there before but he agreed that Landen would do well with a walker and was even able to make some heel inserts that keep Landen from leaning too far back when he tries to walk. Its going to take some time to get the walker because in the state of Arizona a child like Landen who receives disability insurance must have multiple sate insurances that cover only parts of his disorder. Our private insurance is covering part of the walker and his two state insurances are fighting over who doesn't have to pay for the walker. But CRS is now sure that they are going to pay for it and now has to submit paperwork and then we must wait for the walker to come in. Sometimes it feels I spend 90% of my life filling out paper work and signing my life away to every one. But it looks like it has all been worth it Landen is finally getting everything he needs.

The best news of all Landen has gained weight! He is now 24lbs 9oz meaning he has gained almost 2lbs in the last 6 months considering he has only gained 4lbs 10oz since his first birthday the last two so quickly is so amazing! Its no wonder with the way he has been eating lately. Landen for the first time is out eating Brayden! I forgot to write down his height so I can't tell you exactly how many inches he has gained but I know he has gotten a little taller.

Now we are looking forward to our Omaha trip at the end of the month and August 8th will be Landen's birthday!!! Which also happens to be the first day of school here meaning the day Landen turns three he will start receiving in home services as well as out patient in Kingman!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Grand Canyon

Its been a few days since our trip to the Grand Canyon to see my sisters family but I have been so busy getting back to real life that I haven't really had the time. Its been two weeks since I've had to deal with silly things like grocery shopping, bill, therapies, cleaning the house that sort of stuff and it all got backed up.

It was a fun trip! Eva didn't tell the kids we were coming she convinced them I was too busy to make the drive up so it was a surprise. I also made Victoria a cake since she celebrated her birthday the day before it was a surprise as well. So we left our house as soon as Scott got off work Friday morning and drove the 3 hours to the canyon. The kids were out walking down the sidewalk and were very surprised when they bumped into us who just happened to be there (wink wink). It was so nice to see them! We enjoyed walking the rim with the kids. My little boys got so much attention from all of their cousins. Maybe a little too much since Baby Brayden still thinks that someone should be holding him and playing with him at all times. Brayden is so cute and smart he knew just who to smile at to get taken out of the stroller... Eva or was it Tory? I think they are both guilty! I think Jacob spent more time in the stroller then he did. But it was good he doesn't get to see his cousins very often.

It seems like forever since I've spent time with Eva's family and I miss them already. One of the highlights of my trip was when me and Ethan were walking together and he grabbed my hand and said "I love you Aunt M, I miss you a lot" What a sweet kid. I loved watching my sisters girls take care of my kids and mother them. I use to babysit them when they were just babies themselves. Its hard to believe that if I lived closer I could have Tory babysit for me all the time. She use to tell me that if I did it for her then by the time I had kids Tory would be old enough to watch my kids. Now I live too far away to collect on that offer. My sister has five for those of you who don't know and she has done and amazing job with all of them. They have their moments like any kid would but over all they are very very good kids.

We spent the day walking and checking out the rim. Even Jacob seemed to handle everything very well and walked most of the day with us. We had dinner at the canyon and then Scott and I took the boys to Eva's hotel room to rest while they went to do some star gazing. That's when I was able to get Tory's cake out. I just set it on the table for her to find when they got back. Rebecca spotted it first but Tory's reaction was the best! She was so excited and was giving her mom hugs saying thank you over and over again. Then when she found out I made it she was so happy. It was a fun surprise!

Saturday was a long day we didn't get much sleep cuz the only hotel room we could get was in Williams so we had to drive the 50 miles there after the cake before we could fall asleep ourselves. Then it was up early the next morning with the kids. Scott really wanted to go to see the IMAX so we left Brayden with Eva thinking we would be able to catch up with them but because it was so crowded in the park and we had bad cell reception we really didn't meet up till late. Then we had lunch and headed home. Eva and Carl had an even longer day having to go back in the park one more time to try and find her missing camera bag and then had car troubles and so by the time they were leaving the park we were already home. They didn't arrive at our house till 10:30 and had to get going early. Its always hard to say goodbye but hopefully we will be able to go to Utah. I want to make a trip up to see my brothers baby who is going to be here very very soon but we still have so much going on.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


We just got in from the long drive home from California. My little brother John was graduating from... I have no idea what its called... he was graduating from his army class where he learned to speak french. So his wife asked if the boys and I would come down as his graduation present. It was supposed to be a surprise but apparently the army doesn't like surprises so he found out last minute. I packed up late Tuesday night to be prepared to leave Wednesday morning. I left somewhere around 6:30am it is supposed to be a 8 1/2 hour drive but I knew since it was just me alone with the kids to plan on more like 10. It took 12 hours!!! I was so tired that I had to pull over and rest twice and on top of that my GPS got me lost and made me travel through farmville to get to their house. I was so glad to finally be there and so were the kids.

John Graduated Thursday morning. I can't believe how grown up little scrawny Johny looks in his uniform! It was exciting I was so proud of him. Even if I could barely hear anything above the screaming of my tired kids. Unfortunately the Army didn't ask me when my kids nap time was so they could take that into account when planning this event! We all walked down John's class room where the students and teachers we all gathered for a little celebration. Its amazing how well they speak french. I took several years of french in High School and in College and can barely remember enough to introduce my self and ask what time is it! That is when my camera broke... don't know what happened to it? It was working just fine and I set it in the stroller and picked it up again and it just wouldn't work so we had to head out and get a new camera (no I cannot live one day without mine). John and Heather took us out to lunch and the best part is finally getting to know my sister in law. John and Heather got married in December and we have only met a few times. We have talked on the phone and online but being the only sibling (minus John now) living outside of Utah I really never got to spend much time with her. Turns out Heather has the same hobby as me... Teasing John :)

Being with family is so fun the kids were all giggles and smiles with all the attention they got from their aunt and uncle. Friday they took us to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. We had so much fun playing on the beach, (it was too cold to get in the water) riding park rides and eating really really unhealthy food! Landen and Brayden both got to ride their first amusement park rides. We took them on the carousel. Landen loved it! He rode twice and was just so happy to feel the wind in his face and the motion of the horse going up and down. Brayden liked it at first but as it picked up speed and his horse started pulling him up away from Heather he started to cry! I love taking the time to do things with Landen that he enjoys even if it takes a little extra time and money. Just to see that smile on his face and his eyes light up just brings me joy! John and I rode a roller coaster together I haven't ridden one since before I was pregnant with Landen. I miss being so close to Lagoon! We had fun reminiscing about Lagoon and the fun things we did as kids. It was a really fun day I even tried a bite of John's deep fried heart stopping extremely bad for you twinkie it was delicious but not quite as good as the deep fried heart stopping oreos. Between the fried food and the rides we were lucky to survive the day!

Saturday and Sunday we went to the beach and played some more. It was grey and cloudy the whole week we were there but even with the gray clouds the ocean is still beautiful! Saturday was Seventeen mile drive and Pebble beach which was beautiful. Brayden loved the wet sand he would hold onto my hands and run town the beach toward the water. He would smile and laugh as long as the water only got his toes if it touched his diaper he would cry. It was really cute. Landen was having a bad day and didn't want to come out of the car much so Heather sat in the car with him while Brayden, John and I explored.

Sunday was Carmel beach which was beautiful! The houses around are so cute I want to live there! We actually weren't their very long although we did manage to wear ourselves out. Landen was in a much better mood and enjoyed the texture of the sand. He would pat it and pick up handfuls. We had to keep stopping him from wanting to rub his face in it. Brayden was a silly boy he loved getting his legs covered and stealing everyone's attention. John even got in the water. We even saw a little bit of sunshine which was enough to BURN poor Heather. Some how we managed to fill every crevice with sand and take it home with us.

Just hanging out at the house with John and Heater was so much fun. I miss being around family. Our family has always been so close and both John and I are far from the rest of the family. We teased and talked and just hung out. I even stayed an extra day, Monday, John had to work so it was the perfect time to get to know Heather more. The trip home today would have been much shorter then the 12 hour trip there if it weren't for me leaving my wallet and only realizing it after I got 45 minutes down the road. I put over 1100 miles on the car this week and 24 hours traveling but it was well worth it! The only down side was missing my husband who didn't get to go with.

Now we are planing on going to the Grand Canyon on Friday to meet up with my sister who gets there with her 5 kids tomorrow and then having them spend a day here. I'm so excited!