What a month its been first with our trip to Omaha and then this last trip we have hardly even been home at all. I'm a lucky mommy to have two boys who travel so well. We started this last trip by leaving on the 12th to meet my parents at a condo they rented at Bison Ranch. Bison Ranch is in Overgaared Az about a 5 hour trip for us. I was so excited to see them! My parents haven't seen them since my brother Mike's wedding in April. So much has happened since then with the boys. Well at lest Brayden who continues to amaze me with his extra energy

and his intelligence. Its so strange having Brayden after Landen. 22 months younger then Landen but so growing so much faster. Brayden at 16 months has already passed his brother in every point but size... which won't be long. Sometimes I think Brayden must be so advanced only to realize he is actually pretty normal. Anyway back to the trip... Scott was able to come up with us for the first few days which was nice. It was so fun to see my Dad interact with the boys. Brayden

was terrified at first but as soon as my Dad chased him down the hall once they were best friends. I wanted to celebrate Landen's birthday with my parents as well since his birthday was earlier that week so I made a cake for him unfortunately I took a shortcut and bought frosting and thinking it would harden in the freezer like mine does. It didn't... it melted too fast and the cake fell apart before we even got to the condo.

We were able to visit both Petrified Forest and Panted Desert (they are across the street from each other) with Scott before he had to leave. It was beautiful and there was much to see. I tried to convince him that he had a fever and couldn't go back to work but he didn't believe me. Scott works so hard to provide for our family and I'm so glad I have him. We spent the rest of the week just hanging out at the

condo and going swimming with the boys. Brayden proved many times that he has no fear while swimming. He tried to jump into the pool alone many times. He also figured out how to open the front door and run away.
We left after our week for the trip home it was a fun adventure we stopped at the four corners

monument and Mesa Verde. By the time we got to Mesa Verde it was too late to go into any of the ruins or visitor centers but we still got to see a lot of neat things. Next time we will have to get there early and spend a few days. Scott has been telling me he wanted to go to Mesa Verde for awhile but I didn't realize there was so much to see. We were in the car from 9:00 AM Thursday to 6:30 AM the next morning. What an adventure.

The next week I spent with family and friends. We had a fun day at Hogle Zoo with the family celebrating my niece Rebecca's Birthday. Brayden as always was such a ball of energy. He had plenty of people to play with him. He had fun watching the animals in too. It was fun to follow his gaze as his little eyes followed the animals around in their cadges. We even were able to take a picture of almost all of my parents grandchildren... Everyone but Hailey and Alex. Then we had

birthday cake and presents. We got to see many of our friends that live in the area.
One of my favorite experiences was being able to attend the Logan Temple with my roommates. Its been so long since I have been able to go. I went once right after Landen was born but haven't really been back since. Its been hard for me with everything that is going on in my life to not only find time but to find motivation to go. Its no secret that the last year of my life has been a struggle and this last month has been extra hard. (the 20th of August is the year mark for Landen's diagnosis) But I have also been so blessed with new family and friends through the GFPD. I have needed to go to the temple for some time now but

I have not really felt ready but I knew for sure it was time and this was a great opportunity. I will not share much of what I was able to feel and learn there mostly because I'm not sure it can be put into words but I will share this one sentiment. I am more sure then I have been in my whole life the families are eternal no matter what may happen to us in this life families are forever!
Landen started to feel a little low towards the end of the trip. I don't know if it is due to some bug or exhaustion. I came home last Saturday on a way too early plane and was so wiped out from the trip that I slept all day. Now that we are home Landen has not gotten much better and in fact has grown a little worse. I do not want to get into the whole story right at this moment there is still too much going on but I will blog tomorrow. Just remember Landen in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you all posted.
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