Its Landen's birthday today! This has been a day full of emotion for me. Not only is my little guy three years old today which is enough to make any mothers heart fill with emotion but this is Landen's first birthday since his diagnosis... since we learned that he only has a small number of birthdays. Not that that is what I've been dwelling on but its hard not to think of especially when I think about the joy we had celebrating last year only to find out less then two weeks later that Landen had this awful disease. I've been crying all day tears of joy, tears of sorrow and tears of frustration.
My sweet little boy is three! And that is what is important today! I woke up and started singing to him. Made him his favorite food PANCAKES for breakfast. Snuggled him close and sang happy birthday songs to him till he fell asleep at nap time. Played and snuggled some more.. just tried to be close to

him. We celebrated yesterday with the cake and presents it seemed like a better day since this is also the first day of school around here and Grandpa Sinex being a school teacher was I'm sure busy today. I put extra care into his cake making it special just like him. I wish so bad I could throw a HUGE party with all of our friends and family. Lots of cake, food, fun and friends. Let everyone gather around and celebrate the fact that we have him here with us which is special! But since we live so far away from most of our family we have to settle for a small event. It really is frustrating I feel like we should all be celebrating with him we have this little gift with us for we don't know how long. He is such a blessing for all of us here on earth and I want to share him with everyone that I love. I want them to love him just as much. To hold him and get to know him and make the memories that will remain even after the Lord takes him from earth. I'm just hoping that you all are keeping him close to your hearts and thoughts today even though you are not here with us. We will be having more cake and presents next weekend when we meet my parents at Bison Ranch for a little vacation. He got a fun

little ball that lights up wiggles and makes noise he loves it very much! Got some much needed clothes and mommy and daddy will be giving him his very own ball pit for his bedroom next weekend.
This last year has been a roller coaster but I have seen so much growth in him. Although the numbers would say that he has only gained 2.5lbs and a couple of inches and he wore the same birthday boy shirt I made for his first birthday. But I see growth... you can see it in his face and features he doesn't look as "baby" as he did before. He is starting to communicate more not with words or sign but in other ways. He is playing more and learning to do new things getting so much personality. My little boy gives me so much to be proud of!! He is so friendly he loves to laugh and is learning to express feelings. He has picked up several ways to say "I love you" or "I'm happy" just recently he has started giving the biggest hugs and licks! I love it when he grabs my face and puts our foreheads together and laughs that means just as much as if he were to say "mommy I love you". Still a snuggle bug. Fr

om the moment he was born his favorite place to rest is in Daddy and Mommy's arms followed close by anyone else who will take the time to snuggle. I love watching him give love and snuggles to others. Its like he is putting a little bit of himself in their hearts. He has the best laugh and the brightest smile. Heavenly voices cannot compare to the sound of my Landen's laugh. I love to make him laugh I tickle his face with my hair or blow raspberries on his tummy. He has ticklish feet which will make him smile but for a real laugh kiss his bare feet! I love the fact that even if he is in a bad mood a small kiss on the cheek from Mommy will bring a smile to his face. His eyes are so expressive! Happy, sad, grumpy, tired, silly... they are all there in his eyes. I could go on and on forever about my Little Landen... he is my world! I love him and Brayden so much! Thank you Heavenly Father for intrusting me with such sweet angels.
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