Well its been forever since my last update. We have been really busy this month. I feel bad not writing... this blog for me is more then just letting you all know what is going on in Landen's life but its a journal of our family and his story. I've never been too good at writing things down and keeping journals but I have tried really hard. I like looking back and having something solid written to remind me now and always that here is my Landen and this is his life. So I promise to do better. Minus the last month I think I've actually done very well. So here is what has happened in the last month and a half...
Since our last update Landen has started with his new therapists. Being three now he is receiving preschool services in home. Its been fun getting to know that new people who will be helping with Landen. Its been several weeks and they are getting to know Landen (and Brayden who gets involved in everything).

There are still a few people who we have yet to start with but hope to soon. I'm really loving having therapy in my home. The people who come in are so amazing and working hard they are even good at keeping Brayden distracted or letting him be involved. Landen is getting really good with his walker. The outpatient PT that we see once a week found a family who was no longer using a walker that happened to be Landen size and they let us use it for a few weeks while waiting for his to come. We go on walks outside anytime it is cool enough and Landen loves it. Just last Wednesday Landen got his very own walker!!! We are even taking it to church to let him use it there I'm hoping to get him use to using it outside of the home. We get lots of love and support in our ward and Landen is using it at least to walk to nursery from the chapel.
Brayden has gotten really good at hiding things and weeks ago took off with Landen's hearing aids. After four weeks of searching and finding nothing I called the audiologist and found out that he had replacement warranty on them until the first

week of November so we ordered a new pair. Brayden has also taken off with my cell phone several times luckily I can call it to find it. Cleaning the house always becomes an adventure to see just where Brayden has horded his toys today. We did have a nice little miracle when I found his old hearing aids when I put them up I remember that the left one was broken but somehow when I pulled them out for him to use while waiting for the other pair they both worked again. We already got the replacement pair and new molds should be arriving in the mail any day now.
Both the boys are growing good! Landen has gained his two pounds back that he lost while sick keeping him just ahead of his brother in weight. But of course Brayden takes

after his mommy and is still four inches shorter then Landen. Landen always impresses me with how hard he works. His walking is amazing! Brayden is growing as well and is also starting to pick up some words he says "hi" "bye" "uh-oh" and "thank you". He is so full of personality and is always singing. I've never seen a kid who likes to sing as much as Brayden does. Both of the boys are getting along better finally although Brayden is so helpful with Landen that it bothers him sometimes. He will try to push him in his walker if we are going to slow, he is always finding toys for Landen and he even tries to feed Landen often while he is asleep on the couch.
Scott is working hard as usual poor guy he never seems to get a break... and I'm... tired as always. I've been working extra hard the last two weeks trying to complete Halloween costumes for the boys and I am so close to being done. I should be able to finish in the morning. We will be trunk-or-treating Friday with Scotty and then me and the kids will be leaving for a long trip to Utah. We will celebrate Halloween with my family and then enjoy the time that my brother John will be home before leaving for Germany. Scott will fly in one weekend and we will all celebrate Thanksgiving together it will be early but our family will be together and that is what counts. I will try and update while I'm gone.
Its been a hard month for our PBD family. Many of our kids are not doing well and just this last weekend we lost two precious babies Angel Chase and Angel Ilan. It hits me hard not just every time one of our children leaves us but even when they are not doing well. I have grown to love the PBD family they are a great blessing in our lives. I feel pride when I hear of their achievements and progress and I cry for them when they are doing poorly. Its a bond hard to explain... we are a group of people who if it were not for this terrible disease that our children have in common we would have no connection. But because of our children we are very much connected to each other like one close family. To all my PBD family I love you and am always thinking of you!
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