So Landen started feeling a little low while we were winding up our trip to Utah. I noticed that he was acting uncomfortable and didn't want to move much but I was hoping that he was just worn out after being away from home for two and a half weeks. We flew home on Friday by then I was noticing he was going through fits of pain. It would come and go and he was very lethargic in between. I have been stressed out and worried for him all weekend but I knew he already had his three year wellcheck scheduled for Tuesday (yesterday) so I was holding out. Monday night he seemed to be okay and Tuesday morning he was just fine so I just left for the doctor prepared to discuss it but was no longer really concerned. Due to the alinement of the planets or something everything went wrong at the doctors office. The other doctor who see patients at his office was out leaving our doctor already backed up when as soon as I got into a room (and hour and fifteen minutes after my appointment) the computers went down! We always wait to see Doctor Barton he spends so much time with each patient that we always end up waiting but this was a record. We feel like this doctor is worth the wait because he does such a good job helping coordinate everything for Landen. Anyway back to the waiting room... Landen had one of his pain episodes in the waiting room and he didn't let up. By the time we got him back the whole staff knew that there was obviously something wrong. We had everyone in from nurses to receptionist trying to comfort him. The nurse gave him some Motrin and he was finally able to fall asleep for a few minutes but woke up screaming again. He was curled up in a little ball looking so sad... We hardly got to discuss anything else cuz it was obvious that Landen was in pain. So the doctor ordered some xrays and blood work to see if there was something obvious we could see causing it. We did that yesterday but I just got to talk to the doctor about an hour ago. There is a stomach virus going around that has landed some kids in the hospital already. It causes sever stomach cramps and gas. Landen's xrays are full of gas so he is pretty sure Landen has it. That plus the fact that my family was all sick when we were in Utah makes me believe he is right. He says as long as he doesn't get any worse and he is drinking lots of fluid we can just keep him home and try to make him feel comfortable while his body fights it off. This is a relief in a way a stomach virus is something I can deal with and take care of. So as of this moment though there is still much to do I feel my stress levels slowly descending... not back to normal but not nearly as high. As for the rest of the well check it mostly happened over the phone tonight. Except the height and weight. Landen is still 33inches like he was in January so he hasn't gotten much taller but he has lost weight. When he was seen at the CRS clinic a few months ago he was almost 24lbs but he is now only 22lbs 13oz which doesn't seem like a huge weight loss until you look at it in ratio to his weight. A little worrisome but he has been sick after all. So now its just waiting and caring for Landen till he gets better. Its hard as a mommy to watch him go through it and not be able to do anything about it. So for the next little while if I'm tired, stinky, irritable or just plain grouchy please forgive me I'm a busy mom!
Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Our Long Trip
We left after our week for the trip home it was a fun adventure we stopped at the four corners
One of my favorite experiences was being able to attend the Logan Temple with my roommates. Its been so long since I have been able to go. I went once right after Landen was born but haven't really been back since. Its been hard for me with everything that is going on in my life to not only find time but to find motivation to go. Its no secret that the last year of my life has been a struggle and this last month has been extra hard. (the 20th of August is the year mark for Landen's diagnosis) But I have also been so blessed with new family and friends through the GFPD. I have needed to go to the temple for some time now but
Landen started to feel a little low towards the end of the trip. I don't know if it is due to some bug or exhaustion. I came home last Saturday on a way too early plane and was so wiped out from the trip that I slept all day. Now that we are home Landen has not gotten much better and in fact has grown a little worse. I do not want to get into the whole story right at this moment there is still too much going on but I will blog tomorrow. Just remember Landen in your thoughts and prayers and I will keep you all posted.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Landen's Birthday Present
I couldn't help but post a few pictures of Landen's birthday present. We wanted to get him a ball pit of his very own since he never seems to want to leave the one at therapy but we couldn't find one in town. This was originally my idea for Brayden's birthday but Scott thought it sounded too messy and too big for our house. It wasn't until Scott saw how much Landen loved the little one that they had in the play room in Omaha that he agreed to let me get Landen on for his birthday. Unfortunately even though they had them in almost every store in April for some reason no one has them now so we had to order the balls online. They just came in the mail today. I just got a little swimming pool at the Kmart summer clearance sale to put them it. Its just perfect for Landen and maybe a little cozy when Brayden gets in too but they need to learn to get along eventually anyway.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Happy Birthday to My Sweet Little Landen
My sweet little boy is three! And that is what is important today! I woke up and started singing to him. Made him his favorite food PANCAKES for breakfast. Snuggled him close and sang happy birthday songs to him till he fell asleep at nap time. Played and snuggled some more.. just tried to be close to
This last year has been a roller coaster but I have seen so much growth in him. Although the numbers would say that he has only gained 2.5lbs and a couple of inches and he wore the same birthday boy shirt I made for his first birthday. But I see growth... you can see it in his face and features he doesn't look as "baby" as he did before. He is starting to communicate more not with words or sign but in other ways. He is playing more and learning to do new things getting so much personality. My little boy gives me so much to be proud of!! He is so friendly he loves to laugh and is learning to express feelings. He has picked up several ways to say "I love you" or "I'm happy" just recently he has started giving the biggest hugs and licks! I love it when he grabs my face and puts our foreheads together and laughs that means just as much as if he were to say "mommy I love you". Still a snuggle bug. Fr
Thursday, August 4, 2011
2011 GFPD Family & Scientific Conference
I'm sorry this has
taken me so long to post about the conference its been almost a week since the conference... I've sat down at this computer several times in the last week to write and found that words didn't come. There are so many thoughts and feelings that I just cannot seem to put into words. It was such a wonderful experience. Maybe this will help this is the opening video from the conference. These are face of the amazing children who like my Little Landen suffer from this disorder.
What an amazing opportunity this was for us! Look at those beautiful faces! They are the reason for this whole experience. I'm having a hard time putting into words what this experience was for us. It was more then just fun, it was more then just informative, it was so much more...
Sometimes its hard not to feel alone in this struggle... I have my husband, family and friends who support and love me but still its me here every day dealing with this awful disease. But to share a few days with others who like me have amazing children with this awful disease it was very special. The GFPD is a wonderful organization (please visit Less then a year old they were able to put this event together with the help of some wonderful people.
We left Arizona at 6:30 Saturday morning to head to the Las Vegas airport. Literally from the moment we walked into the hotel we were surrounded by family... Our PBD family. The Burdick's who we already know from Flagstaff were there as well it was so nice to see them and share this experience with them too. We meet up with many family's that night at dinner it was hugs and joy right from the beginning. I
have to admit that I felt lost for a moment to finally see these people whom I've been talking to online for so long. Most of the time I recognized their children's faces but not theirs. I felt like we should all be wearing our profile pictures so that we would be able to identity one another. It was a shared experience for all of us there was no uneasiness that usually accompanies when a large group of unknowns get together for the first time. We were already family brought together by our shared experience and our children.
Sunday morning Scott and I took the kids to the Omaha Zoo it was fun it was a big zoo with lots of animals. We spent the time looking at animals and riding some rides. We let Brayden get out of the stroller and just run! That boy has so much energy!! He was so cute running all over only pausing to watch and laugh when he saw movement in a cadge. He was so funny so interested in everything. We meet
up with our friends and saw some more of the zoo. The conference started that afternoon so we headed back to the hotel.
We learned so much at the conference tons of useful information. We were able to ask questions and get answers from people who actually know what they are dealing with. We learned more about this disease, what should be doing and looking for, nutrition, working with hearing and vision loss, research going on and the science behind everything (most of which was WAY over my head). But I have to say my favorite part was watching Little Landen interacting with every one. Both Brayden and Landen made so many friends! They are both so friendly and everyone was so excited to spend time with them. I think that the boys made more friends then we did.
One of the most touching part of the conference was the tribute they did for all the children who have passed on. There were tributes shared candles lit in memory and this beautiful tribute video.
We left Arizona at 6:30 Saturday morning to head to the Las Vegas airport. Literally from the moment we walked into the hotel we were surrounded by family... Our PBD family. The Burdick's who we already know from Flagstaff were there as well it was so nice to see them and share this experience with them too. We meet up with many family's that night at dinner it was hugs and joy right from the beginning. I
Sunday morning Scott and I took the kids to the Omaha Zoo it was fun it was a big zoo with lots of animals. We spent the time looking at animals and riding some rides. We let Brayden get out of the stroller and just run! That boy has so much energy!! He was so cute running all over only pausing to watch and laugh when he saw movement in a cadge. He was so funny so interested in everything. We meet
We learned so much at the conference tons of useful information. We were able to ask questions and get answers from people who actually know what they are dealing with. We learned more about this disease, what should be doing and looking for, nutrition, working with hearing and vision loss, research going on and the science behind everything (most of which was WAY over my head). But I have to say my favorite part was watching Little Landen interacting with every one. Both Brayden and Landen made so many friends! They are both so friendly and everyone was so excited to spend time with them. I think that the boys made more friends then we did.
One of the most touching part of the conference was the tribute they did for all the children who have passed on. There were tributes shared candles lit in memory and this beautiful tribute video.
Tears freely flow every time I watch ether of these videos these children are so beautiful and their families are so amazing. My heart is so full of the people we met there and of course the story that we all share. These children are so amazing so similar in so many ways yet so very unique. To all my PBD family... You are so amazing! I love you and wish that we could all be together more often. Thank you for the experience we look forward to next year. There is so many of you that I wish I had spent time with talking, sharing and getting to know you all much better. I feel like there just wasn't enough time. There are so many of you that I didn't get to say more then a few words to but you still mean so much to me. I follow what I can online and love talking and sharing. You inspire me and bless my life. Thank you for showing so much love to my boys and my family! Next year seems so far away for me.
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