Well that's it March is just about over! We did a lot this month with Landen starting PT and OT, getting new molds, meetings with the school district, some fun crafts and just our normal stuff. But mostly this month we just hung out together at home.
Lets start at the beginning. I already posted about our trip to Flagstaff. So next was PT and OT! They are going so well! Landen had one week where he was incredibly cranky and upset and wouldn't work with the PT. Turns out he was getting new teeth which always makes him into Mr. Grumpy Face! The PT has been working on teaching Landen to use a walker we have been working with a front facing walker that he pushes but she really thinks that a rear facing one that he pulls will be better for him. So we are going to try one out and make a decision this week and then order one. The really aren't too terribly expensive so Scott and I have agreed to just pay out of pocket and get him one as soon as we can. We are also meeting with a orthotist on Monday to get an evaluation done for

Landen to get some braces for his ankles. His low tone has caused his ankles to twist in slightly instead of pulling up and straight like normal (the technical term is pronation but I don't use big "technical" words if I can avoid it). The PT would like to get him into SureSteps ( http://surestep.net/ ) but really its up to the orthotist and our insurance company. OT is going wonderfully the therapist just loves Landen! She only sees him every other week but she just adores him. Unfortunately we found out that she is a traveler and is only contracted with the hospital to fill into till they find someone new, which they did. He will still be seeing this wonderful lady until the new one is trained. I have meet the new OT and she is really nice but we will miss our friend. Its an hour drive home on Fridays so Landen usually takes his naps in the car.
Landen had a transition meeting with the school district this month as well. Transition into preschool at age three. I was told several times that if I chose not to send Landen to preschool it was an end to ALL

of his services and there was nothing I could do about it. We I knew I wasn't going to send Landen to preschool for several reasons... I don't think he would tolerate it, he's not developmentally ready for it, he is doing well at home, he "stresses" where there are too many people or too much noise, I don't think my three year old should be in school... Not that I think any less of mothers that do send there kids to preschool at three. But lets face it I'm a stay at home mommy who works really hard to give Landen absolutely everything he needs. I think I'm doing a good job or at least the best I can... and I think that he will do much better at home with me now then at school. I was just worried about him loosing PT/OT and therapy... I felt like they were taking my baby and giving me no choice because he needs these interventions. I was so ready to go into that meeting and fight anyone who would try and tell me he couldn't have services just cuz I

stayed home with him! But before I could even start the lady from the school district suggested a home based program. After 5 minutes of watching Landen and listening to what I said about him she felt like he would do best at home! The reason no one else thought he could do home based was because unless there is a medical reason why he shouldn't be around other kids then generally they don't do it. With Landen though because of his many disabilities and delays (and the fact that I work so hard with him) they felt that it would be best if he were to stay at home. I was so pleased so the rest of the meeting was just getting and idea of what services he needs and next month I will get to meet with the schools therapist and work out a plan.

Landen's new molds finally came in the mail

Monday not quite the colors I had in my head but I really like how they turned out! They are green and blue mixed together! They are much easier to see then his old ones. When they said blue sparkles I was thinking something sparkly-er and easier to see then his old ones were. I think they are dang cute on him! And I can tell a big difference he actually keeps them in for periods of time!
Hanging out at home is nice. We have been to the park once or twice but mostly its just us. Landen is doing so good. He is as happy and cute as ever! His new favorite place to be is on the table, he climbs up and plays and dances and if I let him he would fall asleep there too!

Brayden is growing as well he is so fast if I look away for a minute he is gone! The other day I went into the bathroom and when I came out he was gone took me awhile to find

him cuz he had locked himself in the boys closet upstairs! Poor kid was crying in the dark but then he did it again the next day! I love spending the days with my babies! They are my joy, my life, my love and my world! I'm going to start updating more regularly cuz I want to be able to share more of Landen and Brayden too... not just medically and a quick overview of our month but more of them. Trying to preserve this time in our life where we are happy, mostly healthy and together!
You made me smile today. Glad things are going well!
ReplyDeleteMichael Nielson