February was a fun month we had PT and OT evaluations and hope to be starting therapy soon! We are just waiting for approval our insurance will only cover so many therapy sessions a year and since between physical, occupational and speech he will be getting therapy 2-3 times a week we will run through thous really fast so the state department of developmental disabilities (DDD) will be helping us with the
February also brought Valentines day which was fun! The boys had fun making our little valentine if you haven't seen it you should I posted it previously! Their favorite part by far was when mommy let them at the chocolate!!! Their least favorite part was when mommy decided they had enough and took it away.
February brought us lots of different weather and we took advantage of it! We took trips to the park when it was sunny! We all love the park! There really isn't much
Scott has been busy this month with work its hard for him working graves. He doesn't get as much time with the family as he would like but he does what he needs to do.
I've had an up and down month. Its been almost 6 months since we learned about this disease and it still something I'm learning to deal with and understand. I love my boys so much and feel so helpless at times. This disease is one unlike so many others where there is no way to fight sometimes it feels like there is no hope. I have to sit back and watch it happen and know what is coming and do nothing about i
I know this is long but I have one other thing... I want to send my love to my older sister who's son is in the hospital... for thous of you who know my sister and her kids they found a tumor in Jacob's brain Friday night I know how hard this is for our family. He had a biopsy and a shunt placed on Sunday night and hopefully they will know soon more about what we are dealing with. Our family is a close knit group of people... I feel so helpless far away but I'm constantly thinking of you!
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