Landen has spent the day mostly sleeping waking every once in a while to either play and giggle a little or complain letting us know he needs more pain killers. In all he has handled it very well needing less pain meds then we expected. We are still waiting for him to be more awake and see how he feels then. Two of my brothers visited and kept us company but now its just Scott and I. Tonight both Scott and I are hunkering down in Landen's room and getting ready to sleep.
It was a very emotional day for me but I'm very proud of the fact I only cried a few times. Its good to see him doing so well but I sincerely wish we didn't have to do this at all. We still have several weeks to get through while he heals and recovers and then we are not sure how rehab will go. There is a chance depending on his strength of them bringing him back here to do impatient rehab after the casts come off. I'm praying that it doesn't come to that I would much rather have him home working with our PT in Logan outpatient. My sweet little boy how much I love him. Its hard to see him in pain and its hard to see him laid up like this. I just keep reminding myself that this is for the best. After we get through these few weeks and he is walking more comfortably it will be worth it. This is just hard. This disease is hard, the many ups and downs are hard, sometimes it feels like its mostly downs. Sometimes it feels like so much work and tears and frustration. But my little Landen is worth it! I love him so very much.
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