Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Little Landen is Six!
Oh my Little Boy how much I love you! My Little Landen turned six today! Such a big moment for us today was such a good day he seemed so healthy (all things considered) What a blessing the last six years have been. Right now is the healthiest he has ever been. Every year... every day with our boy is a big deal for us. We took him out on Tuesday to celebrate with the family since Scotty had to work. We had a lot of fun going to lunch and swimming. Landen loves to swim and the sun shone just for him. I was worried we wouldn't be able to swim because of the rain and thunder all week but it cleared for him. Brayden had so much fun making Landen's cake. He picked the flavor and the color and all the candy. He stirred and frosted and decorated it just for Landen. Its so hard sometimes trying to find ways for my boys to spend time together. Brayden is 4 and full of life and energy but he just doesn't understand Landen's limitations. I know he loves his brother but they are so different and far apart in development that it makes it hard for them to interact very much but I try.
Things are going so great for my boy. His weight has leveled off at a healthy weight for height. Yes he is a skinny little guy on the low end of healthy but its been years since he was even in the healthy zone. Of course he is extremely small people are always shocked to find out that he is six but with all the lifting and carrying we do his size is a blessing too! He hasn't spent much time in the hospital since his tonsils were out. We go in every few months to get the scar tissue around his g-tube removed surgically but its been a very minor procedure for him. He is finally wearing his cochlear again. I don't know why but after the tonsillectomy he just wouldn't wear it. He screamed like he was in pain every time we put it on. It took weeks of me sitting with him several times a day and putting it on over and over again while I just talked softly till he started to wear it again. I can see him enjoying it again. Sometimes he is still a little grumpy when I put it on but as soon as I start talking softly to him he is fine.
The joy and happiness he brings is so wonderful I love how much he laughs all day (and often all night). I'm not even sure half the time why he is laughing. He smiles and squeals as he climbs on top of your head to eat your hair. He loves to lick my face and hug my head. He has more energy then he has ever had in his life. I can see him progressing everyday. Wishing he would be healthy and happy forever. I'm excited to see what the next year brings.
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