I know I haven't posted in a very long time but now seems like a good time since we are all stuck home with the flu. Brayden had it over Christmas, I've been sick for several days and Landen woke up yesterday really sick. It's been a long two days with Landen sick. Yesterday we took him to the ER since the clinic couldn't fit him in and his fever was getting out of control and he couldn't keep any food down. He was puking up everything we feed him including his meds. Without his steroids his body was not going to be able to fight any illness. We were there for a long time running tests and giving him fluids. Turns out its a strain of the flu that is going around. They gave him some anti nausea medicine and some medicine to help with the flu and sent us home finally. He is very sick but as long as we can keep him hydrated and give him his meds at home its a much more comfortable situation. Last night was a really long night his fever goes up and down and he is coughing up a ton of yucky mucous. Today has been kind of the same high fever, hard breathing, lots of yuckyness but manageable. We never know how Landen is going to react to an illness Brayden was over it in few days but poor Little Landen is really struggling. So not much for us to do but sit around and take care of him. He likes to be next to me so we have set up on the couch him on one end and me on the other. Poor Scott and Brayden and pretty bored with our forced confinement but we will get through it.
Other then the flu things have been very busy for us. Both our family and for Landen. I started back at School this fall (which explains the lack of any blogging, been way to busy) Scott also was going to school and started a new job. Brayden is attending head start and Landen goes to school at Garland Elementary now. Having him at the Elementary is wonderful one because its less then a mile away and I can run there at a moments notice to help with anything. And two because they have set up an amazing program for him there. The teachers have been outstanding and we have really enjoyed working them and look forward to the rest of the year.
Landen's biggest concerns right now are with his knees it seem like out of no where is knees suddenly started tightening up. Landen does a ton of walking at school in his walker and spends time in a stander at home to help fight bone density loss. But he first started dragging his left leg because he couldn't straighten it then his right and with in just a few weeks had developed flextion contractures in his knees. We saw his rehab specialist at Primary Children's (one of my favorite doctors ever!) and he confirmed that yes he does have flextion contratures but his tendons are so tight that he can't even tell how bad the contratures are or even if they are adversely affecting him at this time. So we need to deal with the tendons first. Landen can no longer straighten his knees all the way and was loosing more range of motion keeping them constantly in a bent position. We opted to go with a botox treatment first with some additional stretching to see if we could loosen them up before we consider other options because other options jump immediately to full leg casting or surgery, probably both. It will still be a few weeks before we know if it is working. Really other then this he has been healthy all things considered. We have been blessed with a quite couple of month medically no illness (until this flu) no surgeries, no real problems. I guess if we end up having to go through more invasive treatment for his knees this will change but for now we are happy with the calm. Just praying this flu runs its course without any major complications. I wish I could say we are out of the woods but you just never know with a complicated kid like Landen. So for now we'll just let him sleep.