So we have some news to share with everyone and depending on how you look at it its either good or bad... We are moving back to Utah this weekend... Why and why so quick you might ask? Its a long story and if you'll bear with me I'll tell the story.
Many things have contributed to this decision. The last of which is Scott giving his two week notice at work. The bigger factors include fiances, job/school opportunity, Landen's CI and the constant walls we have run up against with Landen's healthcare. So we both feel like it would be best for Landen. We will be living with my parents as we look for work and apply for more school. They have been kind enough to let us help fix up their basement and we will have a nice place with plenty of room for all of us. My whole family is pitching in helping us with the move. We are so thankful for the support they give us! We have been given so much support all around both here as we are get ready to leave and in Utah as people prepare to make room and help us out.
Our journey to Landen's CI (cochlear implant) has been a hard one with many set backs. We have been pressing and working jumping every hoop that has been put in front of us. We were so close just needing one more appointment and approval before submitting to the insurance company but when paper work was sent asking for approval for him to see the audiologist for the last CI evaluation for some reason the insurance company transferred his case to the Phoenix clinic which puts us exactly back on square one. We have a six month process in front of us so we figure we can start the long process again here or we can do it there.
This has been a tough decision for us we have lost much sleep and constantly prayed for direction. In the end we feel good about the decision we have made. And although it has put a temporary stress on me to get things packed and ready by Saturday we believe it will work out for us in the end. Thank you to those we have had praying for us and given us counsel.
I'd just like to say to those we leave behind I'm trying to get back in the habit of bloging here about our family so keep in touch!
We really do love and appreciate all of our family and friends!
Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
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Good luck! We're praying for you!