Sorry all I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks we've just been so busy with life. I had to go back and see what was happening last time I posted and what has happened since then.
Therapy of course lots of therapies. Landen is loving his speech therapy which is new (we've only had a few visits). The therapist is really nice and helpful she even likes it when Brayden tags along. He is usually a big distraction during therapies but we are working on Landen learning to say no to him nicely instead of pushing him away. But then

again this is a struggle all siblings of this age face no matter the circumstances. Little Brother wants to be part of everything and have what his big brother has and big brother is annoyed!
We have been to several meetings with the school district even with the decision to put him in a home based program we still have to go through all of the testing and qualifying for regular special needs preschool. I think we actually had a meeting to decided if we were going to have another

meeting... but I shouldn't complain because they are doing everything they can for Landen and being really helpful and doing what they can for him.
Mostly we have been busy having some fun. We spent a weekend camping. It was a lot of fun Brayden really liked it he seemed to embrace the outdoors loved getting all dirty! We took Grandma Sinex (Scott's Mom) along with us. Landen did good for the most part he loves to sit in his little camp chair and sing. The very next weekend Scott took Landen

and Grandpa Sinex out to the father and sons campout with our church. They seemed to have fun although I think Landen was a lot more work then Scott thought he would be. Scott refused to take a camera with him so I have no pictures. They didn't take Brayden and I wasn't invited to the father sons so we got to stay home

together we got a little swimming pool for our porch and had chicken and ice cream!
Last week we had a short visit from one of my best friends we've know each other for what seems like forever! I was so happy to have Heather here!!! Although her trip was cut short (sad but that is life)

so we squeezed all of our activities into just a few days. We went to all the usual "attractions" that this area has to offer. First to Oatman to see the wild burrows or as Heather put it "demon donkeys". Then to Lake Havasu to see the London Bridge yes the actual London bridge from London is now resting in Arizona a short hour and half away from where we live.

Walked along the canal that they built so the bridge had something to go over and spent some time on the beach. And then we went to the Grand Canyon we go a lot but it never gets old. Average temperature at the Grand Canyon in May? 60-70 degrees so beautiful and nice yet somehow Heather, the boys and I ended up in a blizzard. I have to admit being from Utah I've always loved the snow but hated

driving in it but I find its like riding a bike or at least I didn't kill us. It was so nice having Heather here we have tons of fun together as close as sisters although I'm still a little tired from staying up all night!
Our other news! The PT from the school district who will be seeing Landen sent over a walker that belongs to thim for Landen to try out. Its a rear facing walker meaning he pulls it behind him as he walks. He

loves it he tries to use it and spent half his PT time chasing Mr Tom in the walker but unfortunately its 2 sizes too big for him and hard to maneuver and makes him an easy target for Brayden who seeks up behind him and starts pushing the walker forcing Landen into almost a run... I will admit I did laugh it was funny! But now that we

know that he will use it we can apply to Capstone (Landen's insurance through Long Term Care) for a walker in his size. Before we know it Little Landen will be up and mobile!!! I'm way excited for him!
Other then that Its just life for us it keeps us busy!
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