I know that this blog mostly refers to Landen or our family in general but today is Baby Brayden's birthday and he is a very important part of this family so here is my post dedicated solely to my Baby Brady Boo Bear!
I cannot believe that he is one year old today. Watching him grow over the last year has been the most amazing thing for me. I can't imagine how this family would function without him. Brayden is a very happy and energetic boy... sometimes he has more energy then I'd like! Like I said before he has the energy of three wild monkeys all wrapped up in the cutest little package. His personality just radiates from him from the day he was born we knew he was going to be a happy little handful. One of the first things I noticed was his huge dimples he gets them from my daddy just like I do! And those beautiful big brown eyes with the long long lashes he gets them from his daddy. Brayden is more then just a happy baby he is such a kind spirit. He loves to share and giggle and smile and play. I love watching him explore and learn. He has just started to realize that he can stand up and take a few steps and is

such a showoff! He flirts to get what he wants a shy little smile and a cute little noise and your heart just gives in and I'm sure he knows it! He loves his mommy, adores his daddy and follows his big brother everywhere. Brayden is an explorer and a quick learner. Skills that will help him to grow and develop (but hopefully not too fast). I love watching him figure things out he always seems to impress me.

Brayden has a personality that complements our Little Landen's and I'm sure in time he will be a big help to his brother (if they can ever learn to get along) He has already helped me... He heals some of the pain that I go through worrying and fearing the future when it comes to Landen. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing urging us to have Brayden when we did. The fear of passing this disease onto any future children is very real for us (not that we've made any final decisions when it comes to family growth. When we do it will be our choice and we will do what we feel is best for us and what the Lord wants)
I can't believe its been a whole year since his birth. This year has flown by so quickly! Brayd

en continues to surprise me everyday. Its different to watch him grow and progress like a "normal" child. Sometimes I think I must have the smartest child in the whole wide world when someone reminds me that he is just doing what most kids his age can do. Although I'm pretty sure I have a future genius on my hands.
We made a big deal out of his birthday of course cuz I'm a celebrator!!! It was just a small party just the four of us an

d Grandma Sinex... I spent many hours working on his cute cake this week. I woke up this morning and made a special breakfast pancakes and strawberries both my boy's favorites. I picked up a bunch of balloons cuz I knew it would interest Brayden. He had so much fun trying to get at the balloons. He would get all tangled up in the strings so that when he crawled they would follow him and he thought that was fun. We just hung out most of the day playing and constantly singing happy birthday songs. Then we had a good dinner, opened presents and had cake! He got food from Grandma and new shoes and a front facing carseat from us. I gave him his cake just for him to tear into but he was really shy about it. first he took the characters off and ate them for a while but then I wanted to see him tear into it so I took them from him... he cried... so I picked up a big handful of cake and gave it to him! That was all he needed :) and the best part of getting messy is getting a bath afterward! It was a good day all around.

I love my Baby Boy... He is so important to me... I cannot even tell you how proud I am of him and how much his daily smiles mean to me! Brayden will always be a very important part of this family... I love him so much! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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