This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Little Achievements
I'm so happy to report that Landen has once again made a little achievement which we should all celebrate!! Landen is now a very confident larger finger-food eater!!! What do I mean? Landen will now feed himself a bite of a larger food such as a gram cracker and hold on to it and take another bite!! I know it seems silly to celebrate such a minor thing but this mommy is proud. Feeding has always been hard for my little Landen and at first I felt like a failure because he was falling so far behind. I have many big goals for Landen such as complete self feeding, being able to communicate basic needs and walking... but all these goals at one point or another have seemed almost impossible so I have learned to break them into smaller goals one step at a time and as long as he is always working towards a goal he is progressing!! I've always been one to celebrate and enjoy the "simple things" but really now I celebrate every inch forward! Let me tell you what work has gone into such a simple achievement. This "little achievement" has been the result of many little achievements Landen has struggled with eating since the day he was born. So we have worked on achievements like learning to have things in his mouth, teaching him to pick up small crackers, teaching him to feed himself small crackers (that goal took us almost 15 months) you
should have seen the celebration I cried and called everyone to tell them how excited I was. Then teaching him to take bits of food that mommy offers him instead of wanting to put the whole thing in his mouth!! Then there was the trowing thing... my little Landen likes to throw EVERYTHING! I finally got got him to take a bite but then he would promptly throw it on the ground... but now he is doing really good at taking a bite holding on and taking another bite and if you realize how much time and effort has gone into this one little achievement towards our ultimate goal of self feeding you would realize that it is in fact a GREAT BIG ENORMOUS ACHIEVEMENT! Our next goal? We have two we are currently working on eating sandwiches with no help (he doesn't like the texture of dry bread) and picking up wet/sticky foods like tater tots with ketchup or noodles (Landen doesn't like to touch anything wet or sticky).
Yay, Landen!! :)