Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Little Achievements
Friday, February 11, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
OT Evaluation
So today was Landen's occupational therapy evaluation. Next time I won't schedule it for so early in the morning! It was at 8:30 but I had to run Brayden to my mother-in-laws and drive to Kingman which meant getting up at 6:30AM!!! Since I get up at 7 usually you'd think 6:30 wouldn't be to bad but for some reason IT WAS!!! Maybe it was just a bad night's sleep? Anyway first thing I LOVED THE OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST!!! She was so good with Landen he didn't even have to warm up to her he just loved her right away. I take Landen to a lot of doctors and specialists and for the most part they have been wonderful but there is a few that have been EXCEPTIONAL and this lady is one of them! For those of you who don't know what occupational therapy is let me explain... I had some one ask me why Landen needed OT if he doesn't have a job. He does his job is to play, learn and grow. For him OT will deal with some of the more fine motor skills, skills that are needed every day in life. For a kid like Landen that is things like feeding, playing, dressing and other self help skills. Anyway as I said Landen loved her and had so much fun playing with her... that's usually how and evaluation goes they play with them and watch for skills or areas of concern.... she was very well informed and helpful. Her and Landen will be working on fine motor skills focusing on building strength and play skills (the best kind of skills to have :D ) Later we will tackle some of the harder fine motor skills like using a spoon.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
PT Evaluation
So today was our trip to Kingman for Physical Therapy (PT) evaluation so that Landen can start PT next week. Tomorrow will be Occupational Therapy (OT) next week will be Speech Therapy (ST). So my obstinate little boy (he gets that from his Aunt Susie by the way, yes these things are passed from Roommate to Roommate's child genetically :D Guess what Becka got from me ;) Anyway my obstinate Little Landen decided he didn't want to be evaluated today and when the therapist came in he got off my lap and sort of "fell" into her lap then laid limp as a wash cloth on the ground... why??? I don't know!!! He just sat there rubbing his arms up and down the mat not even lifting them and humming like he does when he is happy. He wouldn't even lift his head for her... THE LITTLE TURKEY!!! He was just trying to make his mommy look silly for bragging about how well he crawled and how much he tried to walk. It was fifteen or twenty minutes he just laid there... she started asking me things like can he lift his head, can he roll over, can he sit on his own... All thing he can do really well. Luckily he finally decided to get up off the floor and play... She did a good job Landen was a little shy around her but eventually decided to like her. She helped him try to walk with a walker (a skill they will be working on together) and assessed his muscle strength and range of motion. I would have loved to have someone here in town available for him but I think they will be able to help him lots! By the end of the apointment he was having so much fun crawling all over the big room and exploring the many neat things they keep in there to help other kids. Now that he is familiar with the place lets hope he will do better tomorrow!!!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
February Already?!?!
Wow January h
as come and gone and we are well into 2011 can you believe it? It was a month full of grumpiness and sickness for our family although we did manage to have fun! Scott was the first to get sick then Brayden and Landen. I thought I had been saved when a week later I got sick and then Scott got it again and is still trying to get over it!
We celebrated Christmas at the beginning of the month (before the sickness
) we were apart for the real one and wanted to share the boys Christmas together. It was a really nice day! We just hung out all day had Pizza and movies and lots of presents!! It was a nice day to just be together as our little family. Brayden was really good at opening presents... Landen... well... Landen was good at throwing them!!! Good thing Santa didn't get him anything fragile or expensive! They were both spoiled new clothes and toys and EXTRA SNUGLY PJ's that I made for them. This was a Christm
as more for mom then the boys! It was Brayden's first Christmas which makes it memorable. It has only been a couple of months since we learned what is wrong with Landen and until that moment it had never occurred to us that we have a limited number of Christmases with our precious child. It is important to us to make the most of our time even if the boys are too young to remember all the activities we want to enjoy EVERYTHING!
We spent a weekend up in the mountains fo
r my birthday unfortunately both the boys were sick and puking but we did manage to get out side a little bit. I managed to get the car stuck on a STUPID rock when I slid off the driveway running to Walgreen's to get Tylenol for the boys. The rangers came looked at our
car and told us they would have to think about how to get us out... they never returned. Took us two trucks and five really nice people to get us out!!! But we did have fun. Landen loved sledding for a little while while he was feeling good. We spent most of the weekend snuggled up with a nice fire and cozy blankets sleeping!
Both Little Landen and Baby Brayden got new teeth this month... This is Brayden's first and Landen's 15th!!! Not fun having both babies teeth at the same time! But we made it
through only to have Brayden get his nine month shots and get grumpy all over again! Grumpiness is contagious!! But we have survived sickness were weren't going to give up just because of a couple teeth and a flu shot!! I'm glad to report that although Scott is still sick they babies are back to their happy and destructive selves and Mommy as usual is too busy to be either sick or grumpy!
Landen did have some blood work done this month nothing to big just checking some liver functions and other things. Landen's liver is slightly enlarged nothing to be too concerned over in a normal child. But with Landen they just wanted to make sure that it was functioning
properly. Both the boys had checkups with the doctor Brayden is getting so big weighing in 17 lbs 11 oz and measuring 23 inches long... yes he is short and small for his age but when your Mommy hasn't even reached 5 feet you shouldn't expect to be too tall! Little Landen gave me the most surprise after going 18 months THAT'S A YEAR AND A HALF only gaining one pound and 2 inches the little turkey gained almost 1.5 pounds and 2 inches in six months weighing in at 22 lbs and 32 inches... yes he is still very small for a two and a half year old but we work so hard for our pounds and inches with
Landen that we celebrate every gain (we should start celebrating with cake so that he can gain even more!! Prompting us to celebrate again with another cake... it would be an endless joyful cycle of happiness and
Thank goodness after 9 months Landen has decided that Brother is here to stay.... not to say he likes it but he is becoming more tolerant of brother and less likely to hit him for coming to close. The fights are now minimal only when they are tired or Brayden is trying to eat Landen's toes (which he does often). They are even playing together... well near each other... on occasion....
We look forward to February and what it holds... hopefully no more sickness!
We celebrated Christmas at the beginning of the month (before the sickness
We spent a weekend up in the mountains fo
Both Little Landen and Baby Brayden got new teeth this month... This is Brayden's first and Landen's 15th!!! Not fun having both babies teeth at the same time! But we made it
Landen did have some blood work done this month nothing to big just checking some liver functions and other things. Landen's liver is slightly enlarged nothing to be too concerned over in a normal child. But with Landen they just wanted to make sure that it was functioning
Thank goodness after 9 months Landen has decided that Brother is here to stay.... not to say he likes it but he is becoming more tolerant of brother and less likely to hit him for coming to close. The fights are now minimal only when they are tired or Brayden is trying to eat Landen's toes (which he does often). They are even playing together... well near each other... on occasion....
We look forward to February and what it holds... hopefully no more sickness!
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