This mild weather makes me want to declare it spring and start in my garden but since its just February I guess I can wait longer. I'm starting to give up on ever having a winter (sad face). Our sleds and mittens went unused. The hot chocolate industry took a major hit and we hardly made any soup. I really miss the winter weather. I love love love snow. I'm not one who tires of it after a few weeks and prays for spring. If I have no where to go I can snuggle up in my warm home with my family and enjoy the winter.
Needless to say we survived winter and we are preparing for spring. This spring is going to be a busy one for us with both good and bad so look for many updates in the near future. I will do my best to post both the good and the bad. We are just weeks away from finally getting Landen's wish granted from Make-A-Wish, we are planning an amazing family vacation and Landen probably will be having some big surgery/procedures coming up. My last post I mentioned his knees and how bad they had become. We did the botox and didn't see as much progress as we would like so now we have to start looking at other options. We have a few options from more botox to surgery. At the same time we got the report back on some of our x-rays we had done only to find out that his hips witch were showing small problems with not being formed right in October 2013 have worsened. Landen now has significant enough hip dysplasia that we are going to get a surgeons opinion. Until that time we will not know what is going to happen. Chances are high that we will end up having surgery but if it can be avoided we will. But if one or the other surgery has to be done (hips or knees) we will probably do them both. It wont be fun at all and will be a long recovery but our goal is to keep him up and moving and using his walker while he is still healthy enough to and strong enough to do it. He loves to use his walker and to get up and walk which is also good for his heath in many ways. It strengthens his muscles and bones and we really want to keep him moving. I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on what is going on.
Thank you all for your love and support!
Thank you all for your love and support!