It will be seven weeks tomorrow since Landen's g-tube surgery and what a long and stressful seven weeks it has been. There was the initial mix up with formula that caused Landen to get backed up extremely bad. Then there was the "getting use to it" phase. Which was hard for both mommy and Landen. Landen wasn't use to getting so much in his tummy at once so we had to spread his feedings out and the slowly make them larger till we got to our goal of 4 8oz feedings a day. Then there was the terrible infection that sent us to the ER at Bear River Hospital and the ER at Primary Children's Hospital in one night. That was a terrible night full of tests and pain and no sleep for mommy or daddy. And last of all we have had trouble with granulation tissue (abnormal scar tissue that bleeds a lot and on Landen was very sensitive) in one side of the tube. So we were taking him in every three days to have silver nitrate treatments that were supposed to burn the tissue off but it just got worse and worse. After 5 treatments the surgeon we have been seeing in Logan decided it was time to surgically remove it. So today we were once again in surgery. It went really well they not only cut the scar tissue off from the side of the tube but inside the hole that his tube goes in. Then the cauterized it the surgeon believes this will most likely stop it from growing back. It was a quick procedure they did in the OR under anesthesia. But despite all the problems and stress I would do it again in a heartbeat! Why? This is why...
Look how much healthier this boy looks! Looking back at pictures over the last seven weeks and you can just watch his body heal and grow. More then 3.5lbs in seven weeks. And it isn't just looks... Landen is more playful, has more energy, eats better, sleeps better, more attentive in school and just plane happier (if you can believe it he was pretty happy to begin with). Part of this also has to do with the steroid treatment we started him on at the same time. The combination has done wonders. Landen is stronger, he is walking more, sitting straighter, not shaking as much and participating more in therapy. He is a new child! I just want to cry every time I see him get up off the couch and go play it makes me happy. Its hard always knowing that eventually this disease is going to take the life out of my child as he digresses and eventually it will take his life. But I feel like I got hope back. Honestly he was on a downward slope before this even if I refused to admit it at the time. But in the last seven weeks he has rocketed upward and it gets better everyday. The last seven weeks have been hard stressful and so very tiring on me but yet I have hope. I see my little Landen moving forward... and as long as he is going froward... as long as I see improvement it I feel hope. Landen has a good life, he is happy and loving in ways only you who have met him can understand. Today in recovery he woke from the anesthesia and started attacking me with hugs and licks all over my face (yes kind of like an over excited puppy). He charmed the nurses and tried his best to escape the bed they had him on. He wanted to crawl and explore the room he was in. I can honestly say it was one of the most joyful experience to watch him so happy and energetic. Full of giggles and love. I love my little Landen and am so proud to be his mommy!
Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
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