So sorry to hear of another loss last night. A family who I have not even had time to get to know lost their little Lily Grace. She now rests in heaven with Heavenly Father and all our other PBD angles. They have only been a part of our PBD family for a short time. Miss Lily was less then 3 months old. It breaks my heart to know of another family who are left behind as their little angle is gone on ahead without them. I would like to take this moment to send love and prayers to her family and to all the other mothers who are left behind to miss their children.
Shortly after his second birthday our Little Landen was diagnosed with a Proxisomal Biogenesis Disorder (or PBD) a rare yet fatal genetic disorder. It hasn't been easy for us to share and this site has been created to help us keep everyone updated with doctors news, information and what is going on in our journey. We know we have tons of family and friends support and love. We hope and pray that we are blessed with many more years to watch our sweet baby grow!
My Little Landen

This blog has been created to help others keep up to date and follow our journey. I will post as often as I feel there is new news in his condition or our family be it good or bad.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Landen's Ears, Therapy and Doctors
Tuesday we went to Flagstaff to see if there was any improvement in Landen's ears. The mineral oil treatments did the job in the left ear but not the right. The audiologist tried again to get the wax out herself but his ear canals are just too small for her instruments.
The PT was a wonderful guy as well he is one I haven't seen there before but he agreed that Landen would do well with a walker and was even able to make some heel inserts that keep Landen from leaning too far back when he tries to walk. Its going to take some time to get the walker because in the state of Arizona a child like Landen
The best news of all Landen has gained weight! He is now 24lbs 9oz meaning he has gained almost 2lbs in the last 6 months considering he has only gained 4lbs 10oz since his first birthday the last two so quickly is so amazing! Its no wonder with the way he has been eating lately. Landen for the first time is out eating Brayden! I forgot to write down his height so I can't tell you exactly how many inches he has gained but I know he has gotten a little taller.
Now we are looking forward to our Omaha trip at the end of the month and August 8th will be Landen's birthday!!! Which also happens to be the first day of school here meaning the day Landen turns three he will start receiving in home services as well as out patient in Kingman!
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