So after all our waiting the test results are finally back! Three weeks of waiting! I think it had to do with Thanksgiving because it took a week longer this time. Let me clarify since there seems to be a little confusion when I said he was being tested for IRD since I have already said he was diagnosed in my first post... Well he was unofficially diagnosed with it by two other doctors who felt like they didn't want to make it "official" until we saw this geneticist in Phoenix and the testing that we had done were the same blood tests plus one that we had done in September. The geneticist knew he had a PBD but didn't want to commit to IRD until he had a confirmation test. Anyway the geneticist office called today saying they wanted me and my husband to come in together to see him. Well as of 12:01 this morning Landen is no longer insured so I told the secretary that we have already had the "bad news" its just a confirmation test so please see if he would make a phone call instead. So less then 20 minutes later there was the call... and although we already knew its still hard to hear the confirmation test confirmed that he had a PBD on the mild/moderate end. (there is a picture

The good news! Our pediatrician told us to avoid red meat, fish, dairy and green veggies but he wasn't sure about the green veggies just avoid them to be careful. Well geneticist and nutritionist agree that green veggies are safe because the substance we are trying to avoid are bound in a way that humans can process them straight from plants. Some animals can such as cows for example eat plants and break them down and the VLCFA (very long chain fatty acids) move into their fat so their meat and products give them to us. You and I processes them in our cells but Landen's cell are "broken" and he can't. So tomorrow we can feast on broccoli, green beans and spinach if we want!! Good news cuz if you haven't notice most veggies are in fact GREEN!
The last few weeks have been pretty calm for us not long trips mostly just waiting around for results at home. It was a little rougher for me having all this time to sit and catch up with everything. I had my low moments but I always know who I can call to make me feel better. It seems like I was too busy to think about it much. We had a nice Thanksgiving made Landen his own special pumpkin pie with almond milk instead of canned milk... he didn't ea